Spittelgut GmbH
Martin-Wehnert-Platz 3
02763 Zittau
We only store and process your personal data if you transmit it to us in the course of using services and tools (e.g. contact form).
We process your data exclusively for the purposes that we communicated to you when collecting your data and for other purposes compatible with these purposes.
We process your data for various purposes in connection with communication with you. This includes, in particular, responding to inquiries, asserting your rights and contacting you in the event of queries.
Due to the technical structure of the Internet as an open network, secure transmission of your data cannot be guaranteed in all cases. If you send your personal data to us, you always do so at your own risk. We take various organizational and technical security precautions in accordance with current security standards to ensure the protection of your data within our system. Any liability on our part for damages incurred by you as a result of data loss or manipulation is fundamentally excluded.
We only store your data for as long as is necessary for the purposes stated by us or as long as we are legally or contractually obliged to do so.